
Carsten Linnemann has found the end of society “in der form”.

Carsten Linnemann has found the end of society “in der form”.

Linnemann has an Ampel project

CDU General: “In a year, the Bürgergeld won’t last long”

16.11.2024 – 20:40 UhrLesedauer: 2 minutes.

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Carsten Linnemann: The CDU-Generalsekretär-skizziert de Pläne Seiner Partei. (Quelle: IMAGO/Bernd Elmenthaler/imago)

Abolish a Union Government of Citizenship? CDU General Secretariat Carsten Linnemann can die for the jet-like Form an. A reform of the systems has been implemented.

CDU General Carsten Linnemann has been given the power to be part of the directing of citizens’ money in the jetzy Ausprägung Abschaffen Wird. “In a year, the citizen’s money will not be collected in the form,” says the “Bild” -Zeitung. “There is no question of a heavy citizen money, but it is about the citizen money that is going through a major reform, and the sparrows will last even longer.”

Jeder, if you want to do something, you have to have done it. “Ansons are not a social problem,” says Linnemann. “The first Schritt would be so strong.” If it hasn’t happened yet, it’s time to start, while the finances are finalized, while the social state is now busy with the CDU-Mann. “That’s a fag dish. And it will happen.”

Anyone who could bring about a reform of citizen money could offend Linnemann. The CDU general has been given power over the major project, which the Sozialleistung “Hartz IV” has taken over. So be that as it may, Linnemann dafür aussprochen in July, more than 100,000 people das Bürgergeld complet zu streichen.

“Statistics say that one of the most important things that Zahl von Personen grundsätzlich does not achieve is a work environment,” Linnemann told the Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe. The state must then stand up, but that is not the case. “Dann muss die Grundsicherung komplett gestrichen bericht.” Criticism of the social policy of parties such as the SPD and the Greens.

The active Umfragen will enter the Union at the Bundestagswahlen from the end of February at 33 to 36 years of the Stimmen – and appoint Friedrich Merz as the new Chancellor. If Juniorpartner has a union board, this is not clear.

Neben dem Bürgergeld can bring Linnemann to the market for the Union’s interest rate policy. So the party wants to continue its “Activity”. If the woolen things no longer work, “that change the rental payments and voluntarily continue with woolen. The woolen with a steuernachlässe, that is to say with Anreize buy zum longer Work”.

An der Schuldenbremse will Linnemann indes nicht rütteln. “The Schuldenbremse is most anchored in the DNA of the CDU and the CSU. And with the party of the state with the money, it is a fact.”

Either way, the debt burden debate will continue for even longer. Beim Wirtschaftsgipfel der “Süddeutschen Zeitung” said Merz, the debt burden is a technical topic. “Even when it comes to reforms. Die Frage ist: Wozu? Met welchem ​​Zweck? Was the Ergebnis a solchen Reform? Is the Ergebnis, which does not bring in more money for Konsum and Sozialpolitik? Then the Antwort is nein.”

Meerz further said: “Is it bad: Is it important for investments, is it for Fortschritt, is it child’s play for Lebensgrundlage? Then the answer can be a different signal.”